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Model Queries
While most model related queries are handled through the attribute interface, a few fall outside of that interface. These are described here.
- GRBgetcoeff
- GRBgetconstrbyname
- GRBgetconstrs
- GRBgetenv
- GRBgetgenconstrMax
- GRBgetgenconstrMin
- GRBgetgenconstrAbs
- GRBgetgenconstrAnd
- GRBgetgenconstrOr
- GRBgetgenconstrNorm
- GRBgetgenconstrIndicator
- GRBgetgenconstrPWL
- GRBgetgenconstrPoly
- GRBgetgenconstrExp
- GRBgetgenconstrExpA
- GRBgetgenconstrLog
- GRBgetgenconstrLogA
- GRBgetgenconstrLogistic
- GRBgetgenconstrPow
- GRBgetgenconstrSin
- GRBgetgenconstrCos
- GRBgetgenconstrTan
- GRBgetjsonsolution
- GRBgetpwlobj
- GRBgetq
- GRBgetqconstr
- GRBgetqconstrbyname
- GRBgetsos
- GRBgetvarbyname
- GRBgetvars
- GRBsinglescenariomodel
- GRBXgetconstrs
- GRBXgetvars