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int GRBsync ( GRBmodel *model )

Wait for a previous asynchronous optimization call to complete.

Calling GRBoptimizeasync returns control to the calling routine immediately. The caller can perform other computations while optimization proceeds, and can check on the progress of the optimization by querying various model attributes. The GRBsync call forces the calling program to wait until the asynchronous optimization completes. You must call GRBsync before the corresponding model is freed.

The GRBsync call returns a non-zero error code if the optimization itself ran into any problems. In other words, error codes returned by this method are those that GRBoptimize itself would have returned, had the original method not been asynchronous.

Note that you need to call GRBsync even if you know that the asynchronous optimization has already completed.

Return value:

A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while solving the model. Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg.


model: The model that is currently being solved.

Example usage:

  error = GRBoptimizeasync(model);

  /* ... perform other compute-intensive tasks... */

  error = GRBsync(model);