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Gurobi batch object. Batch optimization is a feature available with the Gurobi Cluster Manager. It allows a client program to build an optimization model, submit it to a Compute Server cluster (through a Cluster Manager), and later check on the status of the model and retrieve its solution. For more information, please refer to the Batch Optimization section.

Commonly used methods on batch objects include update (refresh attributes from the Cluster Manager), abort (abort execution of a batch request), retry (retry optimization for an interrupted or failed batch), discard (remove the batch request and all related information from the Cluster Manager), and getJSONSolution (query solution information for the batch request).

These methods are built on top of calls to the Cluster Manager REST API. They are meant to simplify such calls, but note that you always have the option of calling the REST API directly.

Batch objects have four attributes:

You can access their values by using get. Note that all Batch attributes are locally cached, and are only updated when you create a client-side batch object or when you explicitly update this cache, which can done by calling update.
