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Constructor for GRBModel. The simplest version creates an empty model. You can then call addVar and addConstr to populate the model with variables and constraints. The more complex constructors can read a model from a file, or make a copy of an existing model.

GRBModel GRBModel ( const GRBEnv& env )

    Model constructor.


    env: Environment for new model.

    Return value:

    New model object. Model initially contains no variables or constraints.

GRBModel GRBModel ( const GRBEnv& env,
    const string& filename )
    Read a model from a file. Note that the type of the file is encoded in the file name suffix. Valid suffixes are .mps, .rew, .lp, .rlp, .ilp, or .opb. The files can be compressed, so additional suffixes of .zip, .gz, .bz2, or .7z are accepted.


    env: Environment for new model.

    modelname: Name of the file containing the model.

    Return value:

    New model object.

GRBModel GRBModel ( const GRBModel& model )

    Create a copy of an existing model. Note that due to the lazy update approach in Gurobi, you have to call update before copying it.


    model: Model to copy.

    Return value:

    New model object. Model is a clone of the input model.