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Retrieve the data associated with a general constraint of type OR. Calling this method for a general constraint of a different type leads to an exception. You can query the GenConstrType attribute to determine the type of the general constraint.

Typical usage is to call this routine twice. In the first call, you specify the requested general constraint, with a NULL value for the vars argument. The routine returns the total number of operand variables in the specified general constraint in lenP. That allows you to make certain that the vars array is of sufficient size to hold the result of the second call.

See also addGenConstrOr for a description of the semantics of this general constraint type.

void getGenConstrOr ( GRBGenConstr genc,
    GRBVar* resvarP,
    GRBVar* vars,
    int* lenP )

    genc: The general constraint object.

    Any of the following arguments can be NULL.

    resvarP: Pointer to store the resultant variable of the constraint.

    vars: Array to store the operand variables of the constraint.

    lenP: Pointer to store the number of operand variables of the constraint.