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Retrieve values from the node relaxation solution at the current node. Only available when the where member variable is equal to GRB.Callback.MIPNODE, and GRB.Callback.MIPNODE_STATUS is equal to GRB.Status.OPTIMAL.

double GetNodeRel ( GRBVar v )


    v: The variable whose value is desired.

    Return value:

    The value of the specified variable in the node relaxation for the current node.

double[] GetNodeRel ( GRBVar[] xvars )


    xvars: The list of variables whose values are desired.

    Return value:

    The values of the specified variables in the node relaxation for the current node.

double[][] GetNodeRel ( GRBVar[][] xvars )


    xvars: The array of variables whose values are desired.

    Return value:

    The values of the specified variables in the node relaxation for the current node.