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Set the value of a parameter.

Important notes:

Note that a model gets its own copy of the environment when it is created. Changes to the original environment have no effect on the copy. Use GRBModel.Set to change a parameter on an existing model.

void Set ( GRB.DoubleParam param,
    double newvalue )
    Set the value of a double-valued parameter.


    param: The parameter being modified. Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values.

    newvalue: The desired new value of the parameter.

void Set ( GRB.IntParam param,
    int newvalue )
    Set the value of an int-valued parameter.


    param: The parameter being modified. Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values.

    newvalue: The desired new value of the parameter.

void Set ( GRB.StringParam param,
    string newvalue )
    Set the value of a string-valued parameter.


    param: The parameter being modified. Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values.

    newvalue: The desired new value of the parameter.

void Set ( string param,
    string newvalue )
    Set the value of any parameter using strings alone.


    param: The name of the parameter being modified. Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values.

    newvalue: The desired new value of the parameter.