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Add new linear constraints to a model.

We recommend that you build your model one constraint at a time (using AddConstr), since it introduces no significant overhead and we find that it produces simpler code. Feel free to use these methods if you disagree, though.

GRBConstr[] AddConstrs ( int count )

    Add count new linear constraints to a model. The new constraints are all of the form 0 <= 0.


    count: Number of constraints to add.

    Return value:

    Array of new constraint objects.

GRBConstr[] AddConstrs ( GRBLinExpr[] lhsExprs,
    char[] senses,
    double[] rhsVals,
    string[] names )
    Add new linear constraints to a model. The number of added constraints is determined by the length of the input arrays (which must be consistent across all arguments).


    lhsExprs: Left-hand side expressions for the new linear constraints.

    senses: Senses for new linear constraints (GRB.LESS_EQUAL, GRB.EQUAL, or GRB.GREATER_EQUAL).

    rhsVals: Right-hand side values for the new linear constraints.

    names: Names for new constraints.

    Return value:

    Array of new constraint objects.

GRBConstr[] AddConstrs ( GRBLinExpr[] lhsExprs,
    char[] senses,
    GRBLinExpr[] rhsExprs,
    int start,
    int len,
    string[] names )
    Add new linear constraints to a model. This signature allows you to use arrays to hold the various constraint attributes (left-hand side, sense, etc.), without forcing you to add one constraint for each entry in the array. The start and len arguments allow you to specify which constraints to add.


    lhsExprs: Left-hand side expressions for the new linear constraints.

    senses: Senses for new linear constraints (GRB.LESS_EQUAL, GRB.EQUAL, or GRB.GREATER_EQUAL).

    rhs: Right-hand side expressions for the new linear constraints.

    start: The first constraint in the list to add.

    len: The number of variables to add.

    names: Names for new constraints.

    Return value:

    Array of new constraint objects.