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Add new terms into a column.

void addTerms ( double[] coeffs,
    GRBConstr[] constrs )
    Add a list of terms into a column. Note that the lengths of the two argument arrays must be equal.


    coeffs: Coefficients for added constraints.

    constrs: Constraints to add to column.

void addTerms ( double[] coeffs,
    GRBConstr[] constrs,
    int start,
    int len )
    Add new terms into a column. This signature allows you to use arrays to hold the coefficients and constraints that describe the terms in an array without being forced to add an term for each member in the array. The start and len arguments allow you to specify which terms to add.


    coeffs: Coefficients for added constraints.

    constrs: Constraints to add to column.

    start: The first term in the list to add.

    len: The number of terms to add.