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Running a Distributed Algorithm as an Interactive Job
To give an example, if you have a cluster consisting of two machines (server1 and server2), and if you set TuneJobs to 2 in grbtune ...
> grbtune TuneJobs=2 should see output that looks like the following:
Capacity available on 'server1:61000' - connecting... ... Using Compute Server as first worker Started distributed worker on server2:61000 Distributed tuning: launched 2 distributed worker jobsThis output indicates that two worker jobs have been launched, one on machine server1 and the other on machine server2. These two jobs will continue to run until your tuning run completes.
Similarly, if you launch distributed MIP ...
> gurobi_cl DistributedMIPJobs=2 should see the following output in the log:
Using Compute Server as first worker Started distributed worker on server2:61000 Distributed MIP job count: 2